Chapter Break

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翻篇儿 动态海报.gif

Date | 展期 July 03 - July 05, 2020

Size | 规模 126m²

Location | 地点 98 Yanping RD, Shanghai, China

Participating Artist | 参展艺术家 Yasuhiro Chida, Stefano Ogliari Badessi

Number of works | 作品件数 2



Chapter Break: A Two-part Installation


2020 marks a massive chapter break amidst the story of our world. We have collectively felt our rhythms stop, shift, and turn over in new directions.

With the COVID-19 disaster, there was a surge of panic and heartbreak. In addition to the global pandemic, we are experiencing social injustices and inequalities, which are deeply ingrained in the corners of our systems and societal fabrics, rattling to the surface. As we move into this new chapter, we are re-opening our cities, our businesses, our economies – but we are also re-opening our lives, our minds, and our hearts.


While we remain saturated in uncertainty about the future, we are surrounded by opportunities to reflect on our past. We are looking to find solidarity in this reflection, making space for emotions, experiences, learnings, and growth, and finding union in the change that has transpired over the last few months as individuals, as communities, and as a civilization.

2020,仿佛世界是需要 “翻篇儿” 的一年。


突如其来的全球公共健康危机让大家惶恐、心痛及沉思。在共同经历了全球种种 “黑天鹅事件”后,我们似乎有些疲惫。社会的方方面面被迫停滞,也令大家习以为常的生活节奏“戛然而止”。




Nikki Rowe wrote, "“Art is my cure to all this madness, sadness and loss of belonging in the world & through it I'll walk myself home." Art is our tangible expression, exploring and helping us understand the changing emotions we feel and the conditions we face. Art has the capacity to digest our collective anxiety – waking us up to the expressions of social unrest moving through us while offering a sense of clarity and cohesion around where to go next.


Chapter Break is a two-part installation offering space to heal the past and create hope for the future. The two artworks, ANALEMMA and OOOMM are environments for contemplative reflection and collective mindfulness, bringing us together in a time when we need it most.


What will this next chapter bring? Art will pave the way for us all.

英国哲学家阿兰·德波顿曾说:“如果将艺术视为一种疗愈,可以为人生的许多问题找到解决的办法。”  那么在当下的惶恐与焦虑之余,艺术何为? 特殊时期中,艺术在不断随之探索变更着,它始终保持着清醒去直面着社会危机,也不断用自身的力量为大众消化着焦虑在当下,艺术的语境也许是“安抚”,它迫切希望给予世界以慰藉和疗愈。这是艺术在此时向社会传递的使命感,它将自己的力量最大化,随时准备去抚平危机下的“裂痕”。





Curation Team

Phoebe Zhang, Queeie Zhang, Kendall Warson, Jenny Guo, Xiaozhuang Lei, Hanlin Li